Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Time Limited!! So Hurry!

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Time Limited!! So Hurry!
Please note that the above Paul Penders offer IS time limited and expires on the last day of February.  We will continue to work with Social-Savers but future offers may not be quite so generous.  So go on - tell all your friends!

Many of our existing customers pass on our details to their friends anyway, and often we do not have the opportunity to reward their loyalty or even thank them, so I do hope this will go a small way to extending our thanks to you all!

As usual, please do feel free to ring us if you have any queries at all especially as Social Savers is a new concept so a few teething problems are inevitable I am sure!

Warm wishes from

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Premature Ejaculation Problem and Solution

Sexual health, between the sine qua non of our lives seemed to be one of the most important factors. To get the maximum pleasure during sexual intercourse with a partner in this relationship and complete the process smoothly is very important for every human being. So much so that in our country about sexual health is not yet very clear steps atılabilmiş. In men, sexual problems, especially in recent times and this problem is the problem of premature ejaculation is undoubtedly one of the "erection" is also known under the name. Premature ejaculation, preventing to take pleasure from sexual intercourse partners and the relationship that sustains extremely short is known as a very troublesome problem.

Premature ejaculation problem and the solution under the name of the tips in this article, we resolve to how you want to give the problem as soon as possible. First of all, there are many other medicines to get rid of this problem. These drugs, according to people's bodily activities Due to the effect, as shown for most people most people could not demonstrate a benefit. However, there is benefit in testing the first stage of Urology uzmanlarıda trying to solve this problem by medication. In addition, there are alternative methods. However, as a general belief that the problem of drug therapy were removed from the route. However, by consuming a variety of items vitaminsel will be able to get rid of these problems. These items are not able to name, because there are many different products. For this reason, the problems of this type needs to be done at any time apply for specialist work such as the always regarded as the most permanent solution.

Definitive solution to the problem of premature ejaculation is actually just the doctors. Consult your doctor too, you can get rid of this trouble in a very short period of time.

Secrets of Healthy Sexual Life

First of all, we know that the sexual life, one of the hallmarks. The laws of nature that can be called as a class of this event which, over time, a very great need for women and men are strained. In this article, you can have a period necessary for healthy sexual life, we want to mention a few knowledge. In light of this, the most healthy way in a short time to live special moments and your partner can live comfortably with a sense of mutual happiness.

A healthy sex life when we refer to mention the fact that many different matter, but we would like to begin addressing the problems in general. Reluctance of women with conditions such as premature ejaculation, or, in the heights of sexual pleasure is known as the biggest problems. First of all, this is the first source point may be psychological. But always in the first place is a good idea to consult a specialist. If your problem is psychological, with assistance from other experts will be able kurtulabilme troubles quickly and permanently. However, women will experience sexual intercourse for the first time, usually to deal with the case, they remain in a state of fear. Male, although the lady tries to soothe and purify the fears, a psychologist or psychiatrist who must make bumnu will.

Secrets of a healthy sex life is a class issue that should be included in the protection hususudur other. In general, a relationship must be protected, are healthier than at any time. Most of the men, would not be an element of pleasure to think that preserving the actual relations. This condition is extremely wrong. Maintaining a relationship, always healthy, and not give any problem in terms of pleasure.

How to shock First Aid?

How to shock First Aid?
Shock: blood circulation due to lack of tissue and organs (especially the brain), a sufficient amount of blood in the body hayatli socunu not go to a decrease in activity.

Causes of shock
1-excessive bleeding (the most common cause of traffic accidents)
2-Heart Failure
3-Injuries, burns
4-Pain, fear
5-Poisoning, food, drug allergy
6-Some infectious diseases
7-blood sugar, decrease or increase
8-severe diarrhea

Symptoms of shock
1-Body temperature decrease
2-pale skin color
3-cold sweats
An increase in the number of 4-Pulse - slimming
Increased number of 5-Respiratory slimming
6-Fatigue, irritability, loss of consciousness, fainting.

Practice First Aid How to shock?
1-If you have bleeding stopped immediately.
The patient is brought up to 2-shock.

Shock position: the patient flat on his back two legs of 30-40 cm above the floor yatırılır.Her be removed and the patient's consciousness increases the amount of blood to the brain due to the position opens.

How to shock First Aid?

3-end, the patient's body temperature korunur.Bu is covered up.
4-konuşularak consciousness of the patient to remain open will be provided, and inspire confidence in him.
5-are shipped to the hospital.

What is an abortion, Techniques What?

What is abortion? In short, unplanned and unwanted pregnancy, abortion is called the termination process. Early and appropriate conditions have little risk of the transaction is made by a physician specialist. To have an abortion, a decision that should be considered serious. In particular need to evaluate your partner and family member. The doctor is an experienced specialist doctors to perform abortion, abortion may be attributable to minimize risks and ensure the safe completion of the operation.

What are the methods and techniques of abortion?
Abortion yapılabilir.Günümüzde applied in many ways, easier and less risky than vacuum aspiration technique, which is recognized as kullanılır.Bir times with disposable plastic cannulas, abortion, pregnancy termination in a short time short and the patient's ongoing complaints related to the procedure to get rid of as soon as possible to normal life revolves.
Although pregnancy is delayed by abortion in our country the legal limit on the more complex and risky olur.Kürtajın week of pregnancy. Abortion should be made with the consent of the patient. Abortion for minors under 18 is prohibited by law. Can be done with the consent of parents. The patient's rights shall be kept confidential.
How to start an abortion, is made?
Abortion begins with a pelvic exam and ultrasound. After the urine of the patient examination room geçilir.Özel person at the table that the optimal position for lithotomy position is reached. Abortion can be done with general or local anesthesia. Local anesthetic drug is injected into each side of the cervix. Local anesthesia may be painful. General anesthesia, the patient does not suffer. The risk of complications is reduced. Psychologically for the affected patient seen.
General anesthesia, intravenous opens with a thin catheter. Drug is given by the anesthesiologist. After the speculum is placed in the patient slept. The cervix is ​​visible. Instrument, called the cervix with a single tooth is kept. Making straight gear is provided by pulling a single uterus. Instrument called the spark plug of the cervix is ​​expanded. Providing a negative pressure through a nozzle mounted in the space left in the plastic cannula through the cervix.
After moving to the cannula, the vacuum pressure is provided by opening a special syringe bağlanır.Düğme. Moving back and forth to clean the uterus. Make sure that the parts had survived after the cannulas are removed. If the bleeding is stopped by applying pressure. The uterus is washed with antiseptic solutions. The patient is woken. To make sure that pregnancy is completely terminated, is controlled by ultrasound.
Pregnancy after abortion
Abortion is one who is most likely to not to be pregnant later on, if the womb during an abortion düşüktür.Ancak If a perforation, an infection after the abortion occurred, and these tubes due to infection as a bottleneck, such as adhesion problems occurred in the womb, pregnant, staying more in the future difficulties experienced. In such cases it will be possible in the pregnancy after treatment.
Before enrolling in abortion, and once you have ..
The patient may be prescribed antibiotics, pain killers and stop bleeding. Seven or ten days after the patient is called control. 're Living with your spouse, or go to the center on abortion done. Five hours before you eat anything. Inform your doctor if you have Kullandğınız drugs and chronic illness. Wish you all healthy.

Breast Cancer e fattori di rischio

Durante la sua vita si rende conto della rigidità della crescita del seno femminile o il dolore è una condizione comune. Durezza delle masse e tutti i cambiamenti non sono il cancro. Anche se il cancro al seno e la diagnosi precoce del cancro possono essere trattati più facilmente in una forma di cancro.
Ghiandole latte materno e dei condotti di latte materno viene prodotto qui. Cellule che rivestono le ghiandole mammarie e condotti, come descritto in precedenza andando in varie parti del corpo a moltiplicarsi senza controllo, come la proliferazione e il cancro al seno è chiamato a iniziare.
Alcune caratteristiche delle donne con cancro al seno che si verificano più comunemente conosciamo. Questi fattori non si può dire che chi si muove con cancro al seno. Ma quanto più conosciamo la probabilità di sviluppare cancro al seno. Per questo motivo, le persone che hanno fattori di rischio dovrebbero essere sottoposti a controlli regolari.
Tra i fattori che aumentano il rischio di sviluppare cancro al seno il fattore più importante in età avanzata. Il rischio di cancro al seno nelle donne oltre i 50 anni di età di età inferiore a 54 volte più probabilità rispetto alle donne. Storia familiare di cancro al seno rispetto alle altre donne parenti di donne con rischio di cancro al seno più di 2-5 volte. Queste donne devono essere controllati più frequentemente e con maggiore attenzione. Considerazione i rischi di applicare consulenza genetica per le cliniche del cancro al seno nella sfera pubblica.
All'inizio della biopsie al seno e tumori benigni possono essere rilevate. Presenza di alcuni non-cancerosi, tumori benigni, cancro, tumore benigno, il rischio di sviluppare il cancro al seno sviluppando a velocità differenti tassi di arttırabilmektedır.İyi è più alto rispetto alle donne normali.
L'incidenza del cancro della mammella nelle donne ad alto livello socio-economico a seguito di più di nutrizione fazladır.İyi presto nello sviluppo e si vede in tenera età. Istruzione e lavoro a causa del tardo sposarsi e di avere figli più tardi olmaktadırlar. Controllo delle nascite Haplarınında, nonostante le diverse opinioni fornite da un leggero aumento del rischio è stato proposto.L'alcol aumenta il rischio relativo nelle donne. Gösterilmemiştir.Şişmanlık un preciso effetto del fumo e il rischio di ammalarsi di cancro al seno artırmaktadır.Yoğun dieta grassi e esercizio di ginnastica ha ridotto il rischio di cancro al seno nelle donne. Verdura e frutta dieta ricca e stare lontano da cibi pesanti è consigliata.

Atleti e Relazioni di droga - Doping ..!

Gli esseri umani nel corso della storia, al fine di aumentare l'efficienza del potere di attività sportive ed è stato attratto verso i limiti superiori di volta in volta di portare la potenza di aiuti applicata ad una varietà di sostanze kimyasalr.
Inserito nei tempi antichi, alcuni erba che cresce sotto forma di acqua potabile bollita, inseguimenti naturale, medicina dello sport, il progresso e le lotte nell'arena internazionale per l'innocenza di una guerra perduta, il mondo dello sport è diventato un ulcera sanguinante.
Se il doping è descritto brevemente; sostanza nutritiva o di sostanze nel gruppo di efficienza fisica e mentale, un non-atleta consapevolmente e volontariamente adottate per aumentare artificialmente. Inoltre, kondüsyonunu fisica e mentale dell'atleta, senza il diritto di aumentare la strada per lo scopo, l'adattamento medica delle sostanze naturali del corpo sono considerati doping.
Molte sostanze nella ricerca di servizi sanitari, benessere e forma fisica obiettivo andando al di là felsfesine modo dannoso, da utilizzare nel campo dello sport, è davvero un peccato.
Un forte desiderio di aumentare le prestazioni degli atleti e risultati sportivi, il desiderio sia per il recupero economico e sociale, questo desiderio di avere successo così come le norme sanitarie di condotta morale porta alla rovina.
Il campione olimpico atleta di Ben Johnson, nonostante un tempo di età avanzata, che ha creato meraviglie nel tennis Navratilova, campione olimpico e mondiale, soprattutto nel breve distanza corridori, erkekleşmiş atleti di sesso femminile, 14-16 così giovane età, il record del mondo superiore e inferiore, più di 20 ' cine prima, kadınlaşıp, şişmanlayarak andare in pensione atlete, atleti maschi e molti altri che sono stati persi o virilità. Su un lato la fama kazınılacak temporanea e opportunità, di attenzione alla taraftasağlıkla altri una dieta, o anche la morte.
Gli atleti e il modo migliore in una questione di illuminazione pubblica, che tutte le questioni relative al soggetto, con tutta la chiarezza e per esprimere il fatto che noi crediamo che. "Suo fratello ha portato cicogne", il trasferimento era già lasciato alle spalle. Sapendo questo, Let It Ride il ıbir modo sbagliato a parte.
Questo motivo, gli atleti, e questa consapevolezza deve essere informata doping, ben sapendo che le perdite di questo tipo di farmaci in grado di tenersi lontano da lui. Per esempio, body building, costituisce la base di tutti gli sport. Perché tutti gli atleti sportivi aktiviletelirle, con allenamento di resistenza, concorsi, forza, velocità, forza, capacità e cercare di migliorare le prestazioni aumentando il loro corpo. Esercizio fisico e nutrizione, è importante per l'atleta in crescita. E 'una realtà, lo sport vücutgeliştirme sempre attirano un gran numero di appassionati dal ramo di uno sport. Alcuni di loro rimangono in una stessa disciplina, ma alcuni di loro scivolare fuori per altri sport.
Ma non importa cosa, tutte le persone coinvolte nello sport e tutti i giovani, naturalmente, i modi per aumentare le prestazioni e attenzione, a prescindere dello sport nella loro vita, e queste informazioni di base nel sokmamalı farmaco crescere insieme. Questa responsabilità molto importante anche per tutti i soggetti coinvolti nella formazione dei giovani atleti.
Il nostro obiettivo è anche, per gli atleti informando circa i danni causati in questo illetin, özendirmemek o gli utenti dell'uso di soccorso. Secondo la nostra indagine e di ricerca, molti ramo sportivo, e le dimensioni inconsce delle sostanze in questione sono utilizzati. Gli atleti che non conoscono e chi lo sa, questo tipo di vita piena di rischi che i farmaci realmente conoscere, consigli e incoraggiamenti Kanara, lo sviluppo passioni più presto, giaceva la fine di un'avventura dello sconosciuto.
L'unica consolazione è, in generale, esattamente il doping negli atleti eğilmedikleri, Gioventù e dello Sport Generale Müdürlüğü'müzün anche molto sensibile su questo tema trattando hususudur spettacolo müsmaha.

Pesakit dengan refluks saya makan?

Reflux adalah perubahan yang paling penting untuk pesakit dan makanan kurang kerap yemektir.Çünkü azalttığımız meningkatkan bilangan dan jumlah tekanan serendah mungkin apabila kita membuat aduan refluks antara gastrik dalam penambahbaikan tertentu dapat dicapai. Terutama mereka yang memberi perhatian kepada gerekmekte.Reflüsü hastalarınının pemakanan makanan refluks, kopi lemak dan panggang, teh, rokok, minuman beralkohol akan mengesyorkan kepada dielakkan.

Di samping itu, coklat dan pudina juga ketara bahan-bahan yang mencetuskan refluks. Juga mengesyorkan untuk mengelakkan mereka. Satu makanan yang sangat penting yang diambil ke dalam perut untuk masa yang lama sebelum tidur. Ini adalah satu proses, sekurang-kurangnya 2 jam. Jika perut kosong jika pesakit terletak ke bawah pada waktu malam banyak aduan dikurangkan.

Συστάσεις για να εξετάσει αυτά τα Χριστούγεννα!

Σε αυτές τις ημέρες, όπου θα μπορούσατε να περάσετε το νέο έτος από ένα τελευταίο χρόνο, σκέφτομαι πως τα γεύματα των καλλιεργειών. Νοσοκομείο Εδώ στο Εσκισεχίρ Acibadem υγιεινή διατροφή και τη διατροφή και δίαιτα Gülcan εμπειρογνώμονα Ok'tan αρχή του έτους, καθώς και πώς να μην χάσουν βάρος με δίαιτα 8 Πρόταση θα πρέπει να είναι!
Κατά τη διάρκεια του Open Day, μην: Ένα από τα μεγαλύτερα λάθη που κάνουμε, "το τέλειο φαγητό που τρώμε βραδινό,« ο πεινασμένος όλη την ημέρα, αυτή τη νύχτα, φορτώθηκαν μούχλα. Αξίζει να φάτε πρωινό και το μεσημεριανό γεύμα κερδίζουν περισσότερο οι μετοχές kapılıyoruz atladığımızda νύχτα. Ωστόσο, μια μικρή ποσότητα της ενέργειας του σώματός μας να εργάζονται για πολλές ώρες της χωρητικότητας αποθήκευσης που είναι και η τάση πρόκειται να τι τρώμε. Για το λόγο αυτό ένα πεινασμένο μέχρι το βράδυ του μήνα κατά 31 ημέρες μία φορά.
Μην παραλείψετε το πρωινό: 1-2 φέτες τυρί, ψωμί, καθώς και πίνοντας ένα ποτήρι γάλα θα μας κρατήσουν πληρέστερη πλέον. Αλλά σήμερα το πρωί, μέλι, σιρόπι, μαρμελάδα, μαρμελάδα αντί για 1 μερίδα φρούτων αξίζει yetinmemizde.
Ελαφρύ γεύμα Φάτε: κρέας το οποίο θεωρούμε το βράδυ λίγο περισσότερο από μια απόδραση, ένα ελαφρύ μεσημεριανό γεύμα πριν από το απόγευμα της λαχανικά, γιαούρτι και 1-2 φέτες ψωμί μπορεί να αποφύγει.
Να θυμάστε ότι Snack τοστ: Χριστουγεννιάτικο δείπνο ξεκινάει λίγο αργότερα. Έτσι, δεν τρώνε τίποτα μετά από το μεσημεριανό γεύμα εκείνο το βράδυ στο τραπέζι δεν χρειάζεται να είναι πάρα πολύ δύσκολο να φανταστεί κανείς τι μπορεί να εξαντλήσει. Σήμερα το απόγευμα θα κάνουμε δύο γεύματα, στις 17.00 στην περιοχή θα σας κρατήσει πληρέστερη πλέον, με 2-3 κουταλιές της σούπας γάλα 1 φλιτζάνι ψημένα μίγμα βρώμης-αποβουτυρωμένο γάλα, ή να φάει. Αυτή γεύματα δείπνο της Πρωτοχρονιάς για τα πάντα, το χέρι που εμποδίζει την επίτευξη θα είναι το πιο σημαντικό γεύμα.
Ποσότητα και τη σύνθεση της βραδιάς τρώτε Προσοχή: Παραμονή της Πρωτοχρονιάς είναι πολύ όμορφη, πόσο τρώνε τα γεύματα παρασκευάζονται; Φυσικά, κάποια σημαντικά, αλλά πρέπει να δοθεί προσοχή σε ένα συνδυασμό. Για παράδειγμα, καθώς και ντολμαδάκια γεμιστά με ρύζι Μην πάρετε το πιάτο σας. Ένα από το cookie έχει λήξει, ή να εκφορτίζονται κατά τη διάρκεια της ένα βράδυ των πλακών sınırlandırabilirseniz, έχουν φύγει θερμιδική πρόσληψη περιορισμούς. Λόγω της φουντούκια, καρύδια, αμύγδαλα, τους ελαιούχους σπόρους, όπως, πέραν του ότι είναι πολύ χρήσιμο να περιέχουν υψηλές ποσότητες λίπους. Χριστουγεννιάτικο κέικ και τρώνε ας πούμε, το ποσό της σημείωσης. Αισθάνεστε ενοχές όταν τρώτε μια λεπτή φέτα κέικ, αλλά δίπλα σε αυτό tüketmezseniz χυμούς φρούτων ή αναψυκτικά τύπου κόλα, θα φάνε το κέικ ακόμα πιο ağırlaştırmamış.
Να είστε βέβαιος να χρησιμοποιούν τις χαμηλές ποτά αλκοόλ: Το αλκοόλ είναι αντιληπτή από το σώμα μας ως λίπος, 1 γραμμάριο είναι ισοδύναμο με περίπου 7 θερμίδες. Όταν κινούμαστε να περιορίσουν τις θερμίδες και υψηλή περιεκτικότητα σε αλκοόλ και την επόμενη μέρα κάναμε ότι είναι δύσκολο να ανακτήσει το σώμα. Αναγκαστικά ποτό το νέο έτος, νομίζω, πρώτα θα πρέπει να επιλέξετε χαμηλό αλκοολούχων ποτών. Για παράδειγμα, κυμαίνεται μεταξύ 12 με 15 τοις εκατό αλκοόλης κόκκινα κρασιά μπορεί να προτιμούν περισσότερο από τα άλλα αλκοολούχα ποτά. Ωστόσο, το ποσό που έλαβε από τις μεγάλες, 2-3 κουβάς να απενεργοποιήσετε αυτή τη μεγάλη νύχτα.
Να πίνετε 1-2 ποτήρια νερό για κάθε Δισκοπότηρο: μια μικρή ποσότητα νερού κατά τη διάρκεια της νύχτας για να πάρετε το αλκοόλ από το σώμα atımına πιο δύσκολη, πονοκεφάλους και μπορεί να οδηγήσει σε αύξηση των απώλεια υγρών. Αυτός είναι ο λόγος που πίνετε 1-2 ποτήρια νερό με κάθε κάδο Να είστε βέβαιος να πάπια.
Τρώτε ελαφρά την επόμενη μέρα: τη νύχτα μετά από ένα κουραστικό, αλλά διασκεδαστικό, την επόμενη μέρα το απόγευμα προς το βράδυ ή ακόμα και να ξεκινήσετε την ημέρα σας. Αλκοόλ ή τροφίμων για να αντισταθμίσει τις αναπάντητες χθες το βράδυ να πιστεύουν ότι πρέπει να μείνει ανοιχτή, να έχετε κατά νου ότι αυτό ήταν ένα λάθος. Αποτελούμενο από ένα ελαφρύ πρωινό στοιχείων και σαλάτες, το νερό, τα γεύματα, που υποστηρίζεται από ένα πρόσθετο τόνωση του μεταβολισμού. Εν τω μεταξύ, τρώνε φρέσκα φρούτα και γιαούρτι, μην αμελήσετε να τις τοξίνες από το σώμα για να ρίξει.

Kalsada at Paggamot ng dumudugo gilagid

Ang gilagid at tissues na sumusuporta sa ngipin ng maagang unang mga senyales ng kakulangan sa ginhawa, dinudugo mula sa gilagid. Nagpapasiklab periodontal sakit ay sakit naaapektuhan ang gilagid at iba pang mga tissues na sumusuporta sa ngipin. 70 porsiyento ng ngipin pagkawala dahil sa periodontal sakit sa lipunan ay. Ang unang mga senyales ng sakit gum bilang pangunahing heading ay ang mga sumusunod: sa umaga at pagtulog kalkıldığında dumudugo gilagid habang brushing, pula at namamaga gilagid, namamagang gilagid mula sa discharge nagmumula.

Ang pinaka-mahalagang dahilan ng sakit gum, bacterial plaka na accumulates sa ngipin, Tartaro, at Tartaro. Sa karagdagan, ang paninigarilyo, pagmamana, diyabetis, dental crowns ginawa ng paggiling at hindi naaangkop, ay kabilang sa iba pang mga kadahilanan na nagpapalitaw sakit.

Epektibong dental araw-araw na pangangalaga at brushing ng karapatan na paraan upang maiwasan ang kakulangan sa ginhawa brushing ngipin bago kama ay isang lubhang kailangan koşuldur.Özellikle, ang pinaka-simple at kinakailangang mga proteksiyon tedavidir.Belirli tagal ng (6-12 buwan) sa pag-alis ng Tartaro sa ngipin ay dentista ay naipon ang lahat ng mga plugin inalis mula sa bibig kapaligiran olur.Diş scaling likod ng gilagid kadalasang sapat na paggamot upang mabawi ang kanilang kalusugan. Periodontal problema, gayunpaman, naabot sa buto ay maaaring hindi lamang ang sapat na paglilinis ng Tartaro.

Para sa advanced periodontal sakit na paggamot sa panahon ng kirurhiko operasyon ay nailapat. Sa karagdagan, ang mga mapanganib na bakterya na natagpuan sa dental bato transported sa pamamagitan ng bloodstream sa iba pang mga bahagi ng katawan rin ay isang katotohanan na hindi dapat nakalimutan. .. Nais mo ang lahat ng isang malusog

Quelles sont les causes Traitement Quelle est la teigne?

Qu'est-ce que la teigne, cause, traitement, c'est quoi?, PİMECROLİSMUS topiques, le tacrolimus, la thérapie ultraviolets psoralènes (PUVA), l'immunothérapie actualité, l'étiquette semaine d'actualité ouvert, anthraline actualité, les corticoïdes systémiques, les corticoïdes İNTRALEZYONER, topique (PEAU en appliquant APPLICABLE) Les corticostéroïdes, traitement de la teigne, la maladie de la teigne
La teigne du cuir chevelu, les sourcils, les cils et les plumes couvertes de régions du corps est une maladie qui rend la perte de cheveux. Le plus souvent vu sur le cuir chevelu. Coin-forme correctifs sur le cuir chevelu ou la calvitie est érodée domaines. C'est un un ou un certain nombre de domaines peuvent être chauve. La teigne de la maladie du cuir chevelu, perte de cheveux peut se produire que rarement ensemble. En fait, sous la forme de la maladie dans tout le corps, perte de cheveux peut être vu.
La teigne est plus fréquente chez les enfants et les jeunes adultes. 60% des patients ont moins de 20 ans. Antécédents familiaux de maladie, la teigne peut être trouvée dans le taux de 10-30%.
Maladie de la teigne, la cause est inconnue. Cependant, le stress semble jouer un rôle important dans saçkıranda. C'est à dire, le goitre, l'anémie, problèmes de thyroïde, et fréquemment se produit chez les patients avec la teigne. Toutefois, la teigne est pas la cause de cette maladie, sont des facteurs qui l'aggravent.
Habituellement traduit par une amélioration dans le cadre de la teigne de la maladie. Après l'apparition de la maladie peut être la teigne 30% des patients dans les 6 mois de cicatrisation. Peut être améliorée de 50% en 1 an.
Perte de cheveux teigne est fréquente chez les patients ayant un début précoce des maladies et d'autres patients pourraient être plus difficiles à guérir.
Maladie de teigne chez 10-20% des troubles de l'ongle. L'épaississement de l'ongle, ongles piqûres, et les lignes sur la surface de l'ongle bozuklularıdr principal. Vous serez un signe de l'ongle Saçkıranda cours des troubles graves de la maladie.
Il n'ya pas de tests de laboratoire de routine chez les patients avec la teigne. Cependant, les tests thyroïdiens devrait être fait, surtout chez les enfants.
Traitement de la teigne
TOPIQUE (PEAU en appliquant APPLICABLE) Corticostéroïdes:
Crèmes à la cortisone et les lotions peuvent être utilisés au début du traitement. La réponse au traitement sont généralement les cas bénins.
Corticostéroïdes İNTRALEZYONER:
La zone de perte de cheveux dans certaines proportions, une aiguilles très fines pointes sont injectés de cortisone dans le cuir chevelu. Les patients qui ne sont pas la perte des cheveux très commun, car ce traitement peut avoir des résultats très agréable.
Corticoïdes systémiques:
Dans les cas graves, des corticostéroïdes oraux, ou utilisé comme une aiguille. À court terme devrait être utilisé. Répétition de la maladie de la teigne est plus fréquente après une utilisation prolongée. En outre, les effets secondaires de la cortisone peuvent être rencontrées.
Actualité Anthraline:
Anthraline est appliqué sur la peau sous forme de montants à usage général certaines de matériel. Il peut irriter la peau et ne connaissent pas les mécanismes sont efficaces. Tissus pour l'habillement et le linge doivent être prises lors de l'utilisation de couleur violet pour boyayabileceği
Semaine TOPIQUE ouvert:
La perte de cheveux est couramment utilisé dans le traitement de minoxidil à 5%, la maladie de la teigne a été jugée utile. Utilisé en conjonction avec d'autres traitements.
Immunothérapie THEMATIQUE:
Ultraviolets psoralènes (PUVA):
Les rayons ultraviolets, le GHB est ivre, ou la teigne du matériau en appliquant psoralène est appliqué à la zone malade. D'autres traitements peuvent être obtenues à une méthode de traitement préférée pour les patients.
PİMECROLİSMUS topiques, le tacrolimus:
A commencé un nouveau procès médicaments dans le traitement de la teigne. Le succès du traitement des résultats peut être obtenue.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

See more poor clothes

See more poor clothes!

With a few tricks that may seem to be weaker than the tiny. Here are the tactics that would work too ...
Among girls | Giydiklerinle weaker see!
among girls

Wear dark colors!
Color selection is very important. Black, brown, navy blue, dark colors such as midnight blue is always the weaker shows you!

Stay away from patterns
Flower and polka-dot pattern, a very fashionable this year. But I have bad news, the patterns, colors, and cross-striped robes of garishly colored people always show more overweight.

Make a good choice of fabric
Their weight does not cover hard and solid fabrics. Makes them even more apparent. So every time a light, soft fabrics and prefer floating body.

According to yapına Body Wear
If you have wide shoulders, stay away from vatkalardan. In addition to boat and choose to wear a round collar. If you are pear vücutluysan, ie, the top weight to hips, gathered round, hollow sections of the collar, solid color for the bottom of the skirts or trousers are not very narrow select. To camouflage large hips and thighs, pleated, shirred waist and are used in casual skirts and pants. Basenlerini more if you want to camouflage, skirts and pants after wearing a blouse or tunic put on long enough to cover her hips.

Shoe selection
Stay away from flat sandals and high heeled shoes and put on Babet. Wear what you want to wear a 5-cm heel will show more subtle.

Go to the attention of makeup
Small make-up tricks, such as the shape of the face can show more inceymiş. A dark shade under the cheekbones for it to do fondötenle enough.

Stopping the difference
First of all, learn to stand upright! Think you are pulling up a rope and the emotion in the beginning of the stance adopted meat. Every time his shoulders behind, holding her stomach in. Walk away.

Hair care time!

Hair care time!

Of dealing with hair, is a good time! The color of the sun, the drop-down, worn-out broken and want to give hair shine and vitality, try these masks!
Among girls | hair care time!
among girls

Kuruduysa hair is ...
A tablespoon of honey
Half a cup of milk

What will you do?
Apply deep massage hair with honey mixed with milk. After waiting 15 minutes to wash his hair.

The hair is a rat ...
olive oil

What will you do?
Olive oil, honey and cinnamon, stirring to prepare a paste. Serve lots of hair by massaging it deep and let stand for 15 minutes. Then they wash beautifully.

Kırıldıysa hair is ...
coconut oil
lemon juice

What will you do?
Twice a week, mixed with lemon juice and coconut oil hair lab.

Want to shine ...
1 egg yolk
2 tablespoons olive oil

What will you do?
Mix ingredients together and ride to the bottom of the hair. Wait until the caps by passing per 10 minutes. Then wash and thoroughly rinse the shampoo.

Yıprandıysa hair is ...
There is a banana
A few drops of almond oil
mineral water

What will you do?
Apply almond massage oil, mix and banana in her hair. Up to 15 minutes after leaving his hair, rinse with water to mine. Then wash thoroughly with shampoo.