Monday, September 20, 2010

How is hair care

Here's how to lighten your hair. Breaking a handful of daisies with 2 cups boiling water, then soak for 30 minutes. Rinse with clean water hair this. A coat is a coat color tone opener. The rest is up to you how much you want to open.* If you want to revitalize your hair into a cup of hot water 6 cloves are thrown. be in for later when it comes to consistency. You can do three times a week.We do not leave your hair treated with herbs alone ...


A good cholesterol lowering and stabilizing blood pressure lentils. Booster effect of blood pressure and blood pressure-lowering properties to have the impact required to have balance is shows. Many of these features are also in the green lentils. Although green lentils are a great source of protein in the filling is the best food too.Cure to make fat-free lentil soup, at least until the artichokes are cholesterol-lowering effect. 2-3 times per week to do just with green lentil soup and took control cholesterol controland balancing your blood pressure will be providing.Iron in patients on chemotherapy or radiotherapy-related conditions such as anemia occurs. Panzitopeni it is called. The patient in this case at least 3-4 times a week and very little liquid fat green lentil soup was prepared by using less water consumed will be many benefits. As a result of a month that you continue to see the future will değerlern normal levels.changes to a point where I want. At least three days after chemotherapy application refer to herbal cures. Without consulting your doctor or do not switch to any application.In order to talk about the benefits and features needed;• Includes $ at the rate of protein.• 1 kg lentils, 1 kg of meat and a kilo of wheat bread contains, as albumin, carbohydrates and mines are easily met.• A, B1, B2, C includes vitamins.• Calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, sulfur, zinc, chlorine, iodine, and contains carbohydrate.• bloodless, are useful for people groggy and irritable.• to be placed inside the meat or ground meat is not necessary.• Less is more healthy to cook with oil.• constitute a supply of cholesterol for those who do not.• Blood is constructive.• Breast milk is increasing effects.• There are benefits to the eyes.• strengthens the immune system.• reduces the risk of heart attack.• Runs the intestines and relieving constipation have an effect.• If the water contains your pain is muscular.• Cardiovascular disease and diabetes are protected from.• Physical and mental strength increases.

benefits of fig fruits

According to the life of any fruit or vegetable is quite high. 1 piece of dried fig provides two grams of fiber. The daily needs of this URL is. Through the digestive system, including fiber to work properly. Role in reducing the risk of some cancers are going to be oynamaktadır.incirin benefits.Food rich in fibers, indicating the rate of cholesterol in the blood more than is known to decrease. Therefore reduces risk of heart disease. Much cholesterol in the blood that hardening of the arteries, causing narrowing and blockages. If the body organs which occur in these formations occur.Dried figs, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are included. These acids produced in the body are covered with food for takviyei. That has the characteristics of fig.Fig fat, no cholesterol sodyumve. Is a high source of fiber. For this reason, the ideal is a fruit diet. Amount of money is too much calcium. In this regard it is ranked second after the orange. 1 cup dried figs 1 cup of milk provides the same amount of calcium.Eliminate the power of physical and mental strain, force, and is energizing.Asthma, coughs, colds are a fruit as recommended in such cases.No matter to be fresh or dried figs, contains a high proportion of protein, vitamins and minerals due to the human body is renewing cells.Thanks to that contained calcium and phosphorus strengthens teeth and bones healthy. If unable to consume a fruit drink milk that is required.Children will be treated as a laxative that can be applied without fear. For this purpose, the chopped dried figs 2-3. Pour boiling water over. Wait for 10-15 minutes until the infusion. Mixture may be prepared to drink 2-3 glasses a day.Fresh fig leaf for their milksolution. It effective against warts, warts put fresh milk is leaking from the fig leaf will see the effect.Dried with fig leaves, and boil the mixture prepared against hemorrhoids is useful. For this purpose, a fresh fig leaves on sun airy place to dry. Leaves tracks. 2-3 teaspoons of dried leaves in 1 cup water, boil for 30 minutes. Cloth moistened with a mixture that you are prepared to pile time or whether you will see the benefits of wound to boil. For piles that for 2-3 cups per day.A, C and B vitamins are included.Forgetfulness is good for fatigue. Also softens the bowels and removes constipation.

Hymen general information

the ruptured hymen (burst), and how not to find them.? your partner not trust? Tell yourself you'll want to know.
In the first entry of the vagina hymen is located in one or two centimeters behind. Dokya hymen usually has a thin. Here are several reasons that the hymen. Against infection is known to steal from the outside, or just as a tissue remains. It is very important for some people, for whom the only ZAR.
Does the hymen to everyone? No, the hymen is not available to everyone, people are not born of the hymen.
How can the hymen distortions: not only tear during the relationship, not used hereketlenmelerde eg gymnastics, aerobic movements or accidents, falls are the tears.
The hymen can be spontaneous? Absolutely not, edilenebilinir repaired by a gynecologist. Re-erected by the gynecologist.
Does the hymen is sewn to understand? certainly understood by your partner during the relationship. The blood will come again.
Get how much relationship experience
lived hymen, how you bear a child if the birth decent repair the hymen.
Zaru is done by the experts of maiden gynecologist and is painless. Is short and simple operation. Varies between 10 to 30 minutes. After the hymen after surgery can easily make your power to your business.
Your hymen can see the proper position with the help of mirrors, but I
, when you switch lived comments.
Only women can make birth control of pain specialists is painless.


Basic needs of the human body, but can respond with a balanced and healthy diet. One way out of this healthy and balanced diet and healthy balanced fedd corrupt. I wonder today?
Foods contain nutrients that are divided into four groups with respect to their similarities.
* Milk, yogurt, cheese group:
In this group, nutrients, proteins, fats, calcium, phosphorus, B2, B12, A, is rich in vitamins.
Meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dry beans, chickpeas, lentils, including such foods as the main protein of this group is a source of nutrients. B vitamins are also saturated and unsaturated fats, vitamin E, iron, zinc and contain such elements.
This group of nutrients for the body of calcium, iron, magnesium, A, B, C, E, is a source of vitamin B12 and folic acid.
* Grain Group:
Carbohydrate content, leading to a source of energy. They also contain vitamins B and E.


The food we have eaten all the calories, the calories, some people win harcıyabiliyorlar. Either employed, not in a particular job, those with an irregular life. Friends actually simple to burn calories. Simple calorie burning moves. Slimming to lose weight, gain weight easy, just needed a regular system. I will give general health information in the table below which there bilgileri.kalori Would you like to learn how you burn calories? You're welcome to look down ...
CALORiE TABLE : The.Length of the work: the amount of calories expended15 min 18 calories skate30 min 14 calories to play the piano15 min 18 calories to climb stairs15 min 6 calories to wash dishes15 min 26 calories jump rope15 min drive30 min37.5 calories an hour75 calories150 calories30 min to dance1 hour75 calories150 calories30min gardening 150 calories30 min aerobic210 calories an hour410 calories30 min cycling315 calories an hour630 caloriesRowing 30 mins 210 caloriesThe work stand 30 min105 calories an hour210 calories15 min to move goods30 mins 120 calories240 calories30 min using a computer1 hour and 45 calories90 caloriesTake a shower 15 min 37.5 calories15 min to clean30 min 52.5 calories105 calories30 min kitchen jobs1 hour 75 calories150 calories30 mins 117 calories playing tennisSleep 15 mins 21 calories15 min 21 calories watching TV117 calories 20 minutes to play bowling20 min 72 calories to walk261 calories 30 minutes to play basketball 324 calories 30 min swim186 calories an hour playing volleyball20 mins 114 calories to step318 calories an hour to play golf

Herbs from a good DISEASE Seborrhea Dermatitis

Seborrhea dermatitis is a disease? Although not a common disease of country Turkey to find ways of solution to reach and we are with all of our recommendations. Human health comes first. Medicinal plants, fruits, herbs for health should consume. Medicinal plants, fruits and vegetables we should eat at all times. Pure state of nature with us, come clean with us our health is a pure state.
secreting  gland disease as a result of oil, more oil than it should be the result of releasing a kind of skin disease.
a) a cup of olive oil heated up by adding a rough night
are waiting. And are laid. Enough ginger or a piece of cotton cloth with the help of problem applies to the region.
b) stinging nettle, rose, akhuş tree, burdock, violas by adding five cups of water boiled in a pot. After being bathed by warm to apply. Or a piece of cotton with the required area is applied.


a.) RiVER iSLAND:clean. our skin  care and nutrition also play a role. prevent sweating, sore muscles bath water, because the use of fragrances for a good bi gelecektir. amount to chew. Boil the leaves is used for dyeing hair. Dried sage for teeth whitening powder mixed with salt to bring the white is provided by rubbing the teeth.
b) STRAWBERRY TREE: Normal or dry cilt'lere useful. The fruit of the strawberry juice cilt'e benefits are going to be very
is beneficial. tree ..
c) tincture of ASİLBENT: Asilbent tincture is obtained from the asilbent trees. Moisturizing lotion in this tincture in the temizliyici cream, antiseptic and tonic tincture as a preservative place every cilt'e alır.Asilbent useful. Close to slight injuries is helpful in differential.
d) AT CHESTNUT: Eye is located on the edge of the treatment of wrinkles in the cheeks is also used to thin blood vessels. After receiving a fine horse-chestnut shells in the jar after the grated almond oil and pure olive oil, enough to cover
are laid. Top are added. I wait in the sun after months of strained and enlarged pores and skin cilt'liler kullanılır. Dry ones can benefit from the medicinal plant oils.
e) avocado: avocado green, brown is the oil. A simple non-perishable rain good. Junction A, B, D, E, H, K, P, vitamins also lecithin, histidine, phytosterol, chlorophyll and protein, because the benefits are excellent aesthetically. Protect and nourish the skin, especially dry skin advice edilir.Avokado 's need for oil well water in many creams and sun lotions in the oil is located. The fruit is a very useful role to play big in our country due to limited places
grows. rich content is very useful for human health.

Almond borax wax WHiTE SOAP Rosemary WALNUT OiL BENEFiTS

Sweet almond oil, is the oldest cosmetic materials. Facial spots, blackheads and enlarged pores due to dry skin and scales is to have many benefits. Almond oil for cleaning the skin and makeup can be used for cleaning. The oil softens the skin. Particularly sensitive to small volumes is recommended.
Yellow substance produced by bees, this does not spoil easily. As many cleansing and moisturizing cream wax is located in the emulation. In very hot weather also kept away to soften the wax which is used in creams. For these materials become harder in the winter should be a small amount of cream.

Olive oil is made.

 pure white soap is real and odorless. Does not wear his hair like shampoo
Rosemary bran destroys the vitality and shine to hair
gives.Hair 's help to grow. layouts. rosemary blood circulation but also when used in bath water gives the body vitality. Vitality and shine to lifeless skin lotion winning. Rosemary cold feet is good for edema. Rosemary, thyme boiled in a similar time compact pores in the refrigerator for a week to keep Used.Rosemary lotion. To ensure efficiency of lotion should be used every day for a while.
These alkaline substances found in lakes and coastal areas will not dry the skin. In hair shampoos, lotions, creams, moisturizers, etc. ... in this article alır.oil disinfects the skin.
lime softening water makes the task. The final washing of the hair to the small amount of borax is added to the water. Borax also has astringent properties, does not irritate the skin.
Such as almond oil, walnut oil, almond oil skin cream instead
nourish . one so you can put the walnut oil.
Live your hair to look shiny
If you want almonds natural cosmetic oil stains is a product s a black point to clean the pores with wax oil, walnut oil, borax is added emulation is done. The almond cream. These substances are the substances needed for the skin, extremely. Borax is used for water yumşatmak limy. To tighten the skin, rosemary rosemary water, skin lotion that will show bright and lively fruit, medicinal plants which are shed.