Sunday, October 24, 2010


Common cold Guide
The common cold generally involves a runny nose, nasal congestion,  sneezing. You may also have a sore throat, cough, headache, or other symptoms. Over 200 viruses can cause a cold.
Alternative Names

Upper respiratory infection - viral; Cold
Causes, Incidence, And Risk Factors

We call it the “common cold” for good reason. There are over one billion colds in the United States each year. You and your children will probably have more colds than any other type of illness. Children average three to eight colds per year. They continue getting them throughout childhood. Parents often get them from the kids. Colds are the most common reason that children miss school and

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Hypnosis, suggestions and how-to meditation therapy

Recipes to fix the broken health benefit of finicky. So what we do to protect our health? Now with you is a different approach, drugs, plants sağlımızı our abilities to protect the brain instead of a few hypnosis practice, suggesting that the method would advise. As we know, sometimes the current environment, or live in the present mood in the face of events that we would be faced with stress. This psychological effect, leads to deterioration of the biological structure. Most head and back pain, heartburn, sweating, muscle cramps, panic attacks, rather than the disease could be just psychological Did you know?
First of all, everything you do, you eat a meal, drink water, alcohol and cigarette use, or atmadığınız you take each step you take every breath you generate completely unutmayı for your health, healthy treat to be balanced. For example, alcohol use, on your own, "I get from every 1 to 3 healthy drink alcohol, eat and drink more than 2 week 1 and careful" in the form of a promise. MUST be stable and keep your promise. Similarly, every bad3 times the value for the price of a good habit to form a habit.
YOU MAKE TIME, this time to get your desired amount, the terms of your Fit, but certainly take time. You decide it for 5 minutes or 1 hour. Completely belongs to you.Meditations PARTICULAR TIME YOU APPLY YOURSELF taking, any time of day (this time you use when you are tense you will be happier and more peaceful) close your eyes, a few deep breath and then questioning what you are doing for yourself. Or what you sokacağını stress. Liven up the moment he understood that and try to fight before the subconscious. Never Do not be pessimistic. End to end your event in your mind the way you want. Tavırlarınızda olabildiğinizce Avoid sudden reactions. Do not forget! First, the necessary defeat stress subconscious. Movements over time will be reflected in this case used to be placed in the subconscious until you are tense and nervous time, you will see that you are not. Previously in the face of a bad situation as a given over-reactions over time reflekssel noktalanacaktır result you want. No need to hurry ... I tried to E did not immediately say. Given moment and there was a time entered in response to stress Asabiyetinize REMEMBER. Each experiment than the previous one and you should be in good condition.QUICK RAHATSIZLANDIĞINIZDA YAPIŞMAYIN prescription; yourself before a query. Close your eyes, take a comfortable position, breathe shopping, edit, and consider whether there is a situation that bothers you. Do not hurry, you may not receive immediate answers yourself. Wait for a while that way. If you live in because of an incident before rahatsızlanmışsanız YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS CONDITION. As long as you can not accept this situation, get rid of your mind and instead will be more space than you will attract into this situation too. For example, your head aches şiddetlenecektir this further. Status of whether to accept the pain for a while and are fond of positive things to forget. Then, the acceptance of consciousness is pushed under the condition of consciousness ended, and you will see your pain. Because the situation in this case, the pain occurs and consciousness is called amnesia and can not notice the pain. Thus, without any need of a recipe you will get rid ağrılarınızdan.THINKING OF PROBLEMS THINK SOLUTIONS; human life never ending problems, but the ball-point solutions. Concentrates on the problems we face at times to see solutions to problems. And our eyes grow as these headaches. Puts even more stress. As mentioned above, the only thing you need to do is take the time to yourself. For a moment, the incident soyutlayın yourself, close your eyes, do not panic do not need to hurry in any way. Accept THIS. And make sure that every decision given in haste leads to other problems instead of solutions. Because consciousness accepting a case is ready to reach conscious awareness and again under the itmişsinizdir bırakmışsınızdır event. This is what you are yıpratacak more. Confront problems. Time for yourself, imagine the solution to the problem and try to implement it. Think of yourself as a fish in a sea of problems. Of course, would be the eggs of the fish in the sea. Does not mean you take the eggs to dispose of the fish hold. It may seem like a solution for the moment the fact that the main reason for staying under stress. Çözmediğiniz every problem, you skip all the detail actually creates your future.
MEDITATION YOU SPECIFIC Improve every day, albeit for 5 minutes, you should really do something with ease. If possible, this will allow you to shoot electricity from your body more energy and get a sports type. And a prayer or read can be your favorite things .. if you are sure to find peace of mind, do something that will give you peace of mind. Think about good things when performing this activity. EVERY DAY IN THIS STATE MUST repeat Repeat. Find and make an opportunity. Move closer to the daily care, such as yourself and never forget a araçmış. Imagine yourself as you made your car care. Periodic care to remove the hood of oil, water control, cables sağlamına, such as the engine looks for your own do it yourself by looking inward. If you take proper care of your body you show it can provide the performance you expect. The patient must have to do not being sick before I get less damage.INCULCATION YOURSELF YOUR OWN; a way impaired balance, gerginleştiğiniz, please contact karamsarlaştığınız time to yourself to learn. Why get angry, when you get angry, ask yourself, and you receive the answer to stress, such as how to enter, select the times. And for a moment like yourself to make a youth feel INCULCATION. Consider the problem went away as possible from you. Disregard for the moment the problem. Then inside you enjoy trouble-free moment. Think of your body's reaction to it then its fine. According to a previous home and you should be even more sakinlemiş.
REMEMBER THAT peace of mind, happiness supply the PSYCHOLOGICAL DISEASES EXCEPT BESIDES THEIR CAUSE WILL BE HOST IN BIOLOGICAL OR PHYSIOLOGICAL DISEASES. YOU look to your OWN communicating and İÇİNİZLE, DIŞINIZLA you are interested in you are interested in MORE TIME, TO BE TAKEN IN ANY RECIPE ACTUALLY will not come as you think.
Videos about hypnosis;