Monday, December 13, 2010

What are the Benefits Papino-Pepino

Papino - Pepino manufacturer
Pepino'S Pepino'S BENEFITS BENEFITSWhat to eat What is Pepino papino? Pepino papino What to Eat What? drink? drink? How is consumed, Papinonun What are the benefits? How is consumed, Papinonun What are the benefits? Pepinonun Benefits and What are the disadvantages? Benefits and What are the disadvantages Pepinonun?Papino where they are grown in Turkey, where we can find papino sapling saplings pepino? Papino where they are grown in Turkey, where we can find saplings papino Sapling pepino? Do you have Papino in Turkey? Do you have Papino in Turkey? , Where overtaking Papino turkey, turkey Where overtaking Papino
Pepino (Papino) About Breeding Pepino (Papino) About BreedingTurkey in London started to be grown in Papino-Pepino now ... papino pictures No longer grown in turkey in London started to be Papino-Pepino ... papino picturesPepino WHAT? Pepino WHAT?GüneyAmerika countries are known to be the homeland of Peru pepino, pepino varieties produced in different regions of the world Schmiat, Kavvi, Suma, ASCA, gald, Golden, Litestipe, and Comeraya'dır Miski. In our country, type of production in the Miski çeşitidir.Pepino pepino melon, banana , and pineapple-flavored taste of the fruit as a reflection of these three is an tatdır.Meyve meat juicy fruits and nuts and fruits have seeds Parthenocarpic consists entirely of fruit in a distinctly yenilebilmektedir.Pepino the end of the annual production of natural environment, although it is a lot of economic sense, single-year production Peru was the homeland of the weight of 250-400 grams çıkabiliyor.Ama edilmektedir.Meyve prefer to do our experiments in this plant in our country, especially the Black Sea region as a result of 130 grams is preferred çıkmaktadır.İdeal and between 150-600 grams of fruit. GüneyAmerika countries are known to be the homeland of Peru pepino, pepino Schmiat varieties produced in different regions of the world, Kavvi, Suma, ASCA, gald, Golden, Litestipe, and Comeraya'dır Miski. In our country, the type of production in the Miski çeşitidir.Pepino pepino melon, banana, and pineapple-flavored taste of the fruit as a reflection Of These three juicy fruits and nuts and meat is an tatdır.Meyve Parthenocarpic consists entirely of fruits have seeds fruit in a distinctly yenilebilmektedir.Pepino the end of the annual production of the natural environment, although it is a lot of economic sense, single-year production in Peru was the homeland of the added weight of 250-400 grams çıkabiliyor.Ama prefer edilmektedir.Meyve Experiments in this plant in our nature to our country, especially the Black Sea region as a result of between 150-600 grams and 130 grams of fruit is the preferred çıkmaktadır.İdeal.
Panama, Peru, and Chile Kolambiya yetişir.Bugün natural environment in many countries of the world's leading marketing pepino yetiştirilmektedir.Yenizellanda etmektedir.Hatta introducing the product in foreign markets in the world market diyebiliriz.Pepino arbiter 'of the Mediterranean countries of our region in the upbringing of all coastal başlanmıştır.Karadeniz pepino yetiştirilebilmektedir.Bölgenin strip temperature and humidity for the plant is extremely excessive heat did not like elverişlidir.Bitki suptropikal Mediterranean region, due to the greenhouse, open field in our region more efficiently Karedeniz olmaktadır.Sıcaklık 15-25 C and 60-80% relative humidity edilir.Ancak areas of the highest quality fruit and cold weather is very hot and dry summer loves duyarlıdır.Suyu aylarlarında watered at least 2-3 times per week is required. Panama, Peru, and Chile Kolambiya yetişir.Bugün natural environment in many countries of the world's leading marketing pepino introducing the product in foreign markets yetiştirilmektedir.Yenizellanda etmektedir.Hatta diyebiliriz.Pepino arbiter in the world market 'of the Mediterranean countries of our region in the upbringing of all coastal strip temperature and humidity for the plant yetiştirilebilmektedir.Bölgenin başlanmıştır.Karadeniz pepino is extremely excessive heat did not like elverişlidir.Bitki suptropikal Mediterranean region, due to the greenhouse, open field in our region more efficiently Karedeniz olmaktadır.Sıcaklık 15 -25 C and 60-80% relative humidity edilir.Ancak areas of the highest quality fruit and cold weather is very hot and dry summer loves watered at least 2-3 times per week duyarlıdır.Suyu aylarlarında is required.According to our investigations of the water droplets in the sun on the fruit when the plant sprinkler irrigation for fruit damage veriyor.Onun irrigation drip irrigation is the most ideal. According to our Investigations of the water droplets in the sun on the fruit when the plant sprinkler irrigation for drip irrigation is the most ideal fruit damage veriyor.Onun irrigation.Pepinonun papinonun What are the features? Pepinonun papinonun What are the features?100 gr. 100 gr. Pepino'da Pepino'da92 g water 92 g water5.7 g sugar 5.7 g sugar5.6% 5.6% water-soluble water-soluble dry matter dry matterProtein 0.1% to 0.4% protein, 0.1 to 0.40.1% fat 0.1% fat
111 mg. 111 mg. Potassium Potassium112 mg. 112 mg. Vitamin C Vitamin C13 mg. 13 mg. Calcium Calcium13 mg. 13 mg. Phosphorus Phosphorus2.6 mg. 2.6 mg. Sodium Sodium3.1 mg. 3.1 mg. Magnesium Magnesium1.2 mg. 1.2 mg. Chlorine Chlorine1 mg. 1 mg. Iron Iron
pepino'nun çizgilenip sararmamış ones, full of ripe fruits of diabetes was understood to be very useful. pepino'nun çizgilenip sararmamış ones, full of ripe fruits of diabetes was understood to be very useful. Diabetes is a very beautiful and useful for Papino Papino is a fruit ... very nice and useful for diabetes is a fruit ...Papino-Pepino 's Useful when ... some diseases. Papino-Pepino 's Useful when ... some diseases.
In Diseases: Illness as:
Romatizmasına joint is good. Romatizmasına joint is good.Helps bone development in children. Helps bone development in children.Hemophilia is good for disease. Hemophilia is good for disease.Kolestole is good. Kolestole is good.Anemia is good for disease. Anemia is good for disease.It is good for urinary tract infection. It is good for urinary tract infection.It is good for respiratory tract infections. It is good for respiratory tract Infections.Plenty of AB and C. Plenty of AB and C. Contains vitamin. Contains vitamins.Has a protective effect against heart attacks. Has a protective effect against heart attacks.Kidney sands loss helps. Kidney Sands loss helps.Has the ability to destroy cancer cells. Has the ability to destroy cancer cells.Failure is good for the spleen. Failure is good for the spleen.It is good for bowel cancer. It is good for bowel cancer.Stomach upsets the effect of soda makes a good digestion when consumed after gelir.Yemeklerden easier. Stomach upsets the effect of soda makes a good digestion when consumed after gelir.Yemeklerden easier.People to people with weight problems can easily consume a diet with weight problems is the fruit of life consumes the fruit of a diet EasilyPepino-Papino from how to what is consumed. Pepino-Papino from how to what is consumed.CONSUMPTION Consumption PEPİNO'NUN PEPİNO'NUN
Fruit of the FruitIn the Jam JamAs in Marmalade MarmaladeIn the Fruit Juice Fruit JuicePepino Juice (Hot-painless) Pepino Juice (Hot-painless)Cucumber in yoghurt tzatzikiSalads SaladsAge to Age cakes cakesPepino Pepino dessert dessertPharmaceutical industry, Pharmaceutical industryCosmetics industry, Cosmetics industry


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