Sexual Intercourse during pregnancy Positions (Visual Presentation)
pregnancy-sexual-relationship-in pozisyonlarihamilelik (during pregnancy) Sexual Life
Sexual intercourse and sexual positions during pregnancy; Mom and Dad candidates sexual intercourse during pregnancy should be changed in accordance with the physiology of pregnancy and during pregnancy, according to the position following the recommendation of the doctor.
decreased sexual desire because of the mother during pregnancy;
Due to increase in bleeding in the genital region of the...
Friday, July 8, 2016
Thursday, November 12, 2015
Stronger Plus Make Date
By Unknown12:19 PMhow to increase breast milk, how to increase breast milk is, what are the foods that increase breast milkNo comments

How Breast Milk Art? What are the benefits of breast milk? What are the foods that increase breast milk?
Breast milk, nitrates, fatty acids, calories, vitamins, some minerals rich in elements such as nutrient basis. No artificial mixture is reported to not take the place of breast milk. On the other hand, breast milk leads to the formation of the immune system in infants. Depending on the antibody content rich especially in the early days of lactation...
Monday, February 6, 2012
Cancer mortality can be cut
By Unknown2:54 PMbreast cancer is breast cancer, breast cancer risk, Cancer mortality can be cut, mamorafiNo comments

Cancer mortality can be cut
Increased in recent years continues to be a nightmare for women with breast cancer.
Experts cautioned Are On the one hand, while continuing to research this issue does not neglect.
Breast cancer, which is one of the most common cancers in women, excessive stress and distress going. One of every 8 women in...

MOVEMENT OF BLOOD Large and Small Circulation
The heart and cardiovascular system of veins, hence, in need of blood-borne oxygen and nutrients to the body responsible for ulaştırmakla.
Right side of the heart in the right atrium (atria), the right ventricle (ventricle), pulmonary artery and superior vena cava and inferior vena cava is formed. This section is a small circulation (pulmonary circulation or pulmonary circulation)...

What is Hypertension?What are the causes and symptoms of hypertension?Hypertension How is it treated?Must know what?
High blood pressure (hypertension), all the world as a serious threat to human and social health, heart attack, stroke and kidney failure leading to fatal consequences, such as a dangerous and widespread disease. There is a close relationship between blood pressure and cardiovascular disease. The higher the...

Items that are needed to work with the blood of our organs, in charge pompalamakla heart, to make this task an average of 70 times per minute average of 70 ml each time contracts and sends blood organs. Throughout the life of the average person, about 2.5 billion times, serial contractions our heart and blood during this time, the body pumps out 180 million liters.
Maintain the vitality of the organs and functions...
Saturday, February 4, 2012
change eye color
Eye color switching, How do I change the eye color, eye color, what are the methods for changingWould you like to get the lens using a blue-brown eyes? A new laser is no longer possiblepermanent eye color change ...Wrinkle forehead, as projections of the foot bones of the human body is now the target ofeach hand instead...